Five Slovenian campaigns awarded for communication excellence

The 22nd Slovenian Public Relations Conference took place on the 21stand 22ndof May in Portorož, gathering over 200 strategic communicators and others related to the profession. Besides public relations, the participants focus on modern-day challenges and topics such as artificial intelligence, fake news, generation Z and others that have a significant impact on the development of the sector. The organizers also awarded prizes, national professional awards for the excellence of communication campaigns in the field of public relations.

The 22ndSlovenian Public Relations Conferencein Portorož brought together domestic and international experts in the field of strategic communication, who were focusing on how to operate in an era of speed in which decision-making has less and less time available. At the end of the first conference day, Public Relations Society of Slovenia selected the best communication programs in the field of public relations, awarding them with Prizma prizes in five categories.

The following companies received their Prizma

  • Gorenje for the “GoInnovate” internal communication program; 
  • Ljubljanske mlekarne and Taktik agency for a comprehensive communication program in the “Attuned to Tomorrow” (S posluhom za jutri ) campaign; 
  • Faculty for Security Studies, Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Traffic Safety, Ljubljana City Municipality and Taktik agency for a specific communications program in the “PARK YOUR EXCUSES ELSEWHERE! Not on parking spots reserved for the disabled” (PARKIRAJ IZGOVORE DRUGAM! Ne na mesta, rezervirana za invalide) campaign; 
  • Lidl Slovenija, Taktik Agency and Ekošola for the social responsibility program with their project “Food is not to waste” (Hrana ni za tjavendan); 
  • A1 Slovenija for the use of communication skills, tools and media with their “RADIO HALLWAY” (RADIO HODNIK) campaign.

Attendees were able to listen to a plethora of speakersAs many as 18 renowned local and foreign speakers from various professional backgrounds shared their knowledge at this year’s conference. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tadej Troha and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mirt Komel opened Tuesday’s program with their theoretical reflection on fake news, followed by Lenart Kučič from the Pod Črto portal, who talked about radical transparency, and Andrej Zupan from the Blockbird start-up, who presented digital tools that can help us reveal fake news. Silvia Cambié from IBM and Marko Grobelnik from the Jožef Stefan Institute covered artificial intelligence, while Leon Magdalenc and Damir Jugo presented the importance of reading. An interesting program followed on Wednesday with the focus on graphic and video design, corporate editorial and other educational topics.

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