Archives - e-cigarettes

Smoking without tobacco

Smoking tobacco is one of the main factors for developing various diseases and the cause of many premature deaths. Smokers are becoming increasingly aware of its health implications and many of them are searching for ways to give up this unhealthy habit or at least reduce the number of cigarettes...Read this article...

Will quitting smoking be your New Year’s resolution?

Smoking is one of the most harmful and stubborn habits. There is almost certainly no smoker who hasn’t smoked his “last” cigarette at least once in his life, and then ended up where he started. The beginning of the New Year is in the eyes of many an excellent opportunity...Read this article...

Britanski poslanci: e-cigarete so za okoli 95 % manj škodljive od običajnih

Based on various opinions of the British and foreign institutions, the UK Parliament decided to conduct its own investigation on the facts about e-cigarettes, in particular on health risks and their importance for smoking cessation. The Science and Technology Committee of the UK Parliament received over 100 written contributions between...Read this article...