Defibrillators now available in shops throughout Slovenia
Telemach continues to expand the range of its socially responsible activities. In the past few days, the company has equipped as many as 13 of its shops with defibrillators to help save lives.

Telemach always puts customer and employee care first, as recently confirmed once again. After installing a defibrillator in their business and administrative building on Brnčičeva in Ljubljana, Slovenia some time ago, Telemach has now expanded the initiative and done the same at 13 locations across Slovenia. Defibrillators provide immediate help in the event of a heart attack and are designed to be used by persons that are not healthcare professionals; Telemach will therefore ensure a proper training for its employees at all 13 locations.
Solar power plant, digitalization, online safety of the young…
By installing defibrillators, Telemach continues to prove that – besides providing state-of-the-art telecommunications services – the company also pays attention to environmentally friendly operations, care for its employees and acting for the benefit of society.
At the end of 2019, for example, a solar power plant had been put into operation on Telemach’s office building to reduce the company’s carbon footprint and energy costs, thus contributing to the circular economy development. By digitalizing its operations, the company optimizes paper consumption, and by diligently separating waste, it constantly reduces the direct burdening of the environment.
Telemach’s “Safe online, safe in the world” project was also successfully launched, conducting free workshops for elementary school children, and raising awareness of many online dangers that represent an increasingly pressing issue. Although the activities were temporarily put on hold due to the coronavirus-related circumstances, they will resume as soon as the situation normalizes.