The children will be running for children again
Heartiness, charity and cooperation are the values leading to a better tomorrow and we should help younger generations to develop these values.
This is something the company Skaza also believes in and will host the fourth charity Child to a Child run at the Velenje stadium on 7 September. At a traditional event held this year under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, the children from all over Slovenia will help their peers in need. The funds raised by the young runners will make life easier for the youngest with autism.

The fourth charity Child to Child run, taking place on 7 September at the Velenje city stadium, is a Skaza way of realizing the company’s goal to make the charity and caring for their fellow children a habit of our youngest. The traditional event has outgrown local contexts over the years, reflecting both the amount of funds raised and the number of participants – as many as 800 children ran for their peerslast year.
So far, they have raised a total of 21,300 euro, fully intended for the children in need. The young runners “ensured” foster children from Celje regiona summer holiday, gave the opportunity for Velenje swimmers with Down syndrometo participate in the European competition, and – in cooperation with the Inter-municipal Association of Friends of Youth Velenje – helped the children from socially disadvantaged families.
This year’s run is dedicated to children with autism.The funds raised will be received by the Centre for Children and Parents Žalec, where they carry out various activities to care for the youngest with this developmental disorder.

The young up to 14 years of age can join the charity race and run on a 400m, 750m or 2,000m trailsfor their peers, while the parents of the youngest can run with baby strollers. The symbolic fee per registered runner is 5 euro.
Everyone in Skaza believe that we win when we help each other, so families from all over Slovenia are invited to the event. An unforgettable day for children and their parents will be organized with a number of animations and games besides the running.
The runners can apply at the Otrokotroku.siwebsite where more information is available, and more info is available also at the 4th Skaza charity Child to a Child runofficial Facebook page of the event.