Safe on Internet, safe in the world

The burning issues on Internet and social networks use that bring certain traps have encouraged the fastest growing mobile operator in Slovenia to launch a socially responsible “Safe on Internet, safe in the world” project. It will conduct interactive Internet safety workshops for elementary school students throughout Slovenia. At the first workshop at the Ljudski vrt elementary school in Ptuj, the six-grade students were gaining the knowledge and skills of the safe Internet and social networks use.

Ljubljana, 4 June 2019 – Despite the fact that the use of Internet is a part of everyday life and brings many opportunities, we must act responsibly when using it. More than 70 percent of Slovenians is in touch with Internet every day.[1]As a result, virtually every Internet user sooner or later faces a number of dangers of online fraud. There is a high probability that users cause more harm than benefit with just one reckless click. The most common issues[2]are the invasion of privacy, cybercrime, identity theft and e-mail spam; therefore it is crucial to respond thoughtfully and correctly. Lately, posting and sharing inappropriate content on social networks is becoming an increasingly common issue. The traps of Internet represent a threat to all generations, and Telemach is convinced that early warnings of online issues are of even greater importance.

Raising awareness of the young to safely use the potentials of Internet

Telemach strives to raise the awareness of the young all over Slovenia on how to respond to various attempts of online fraud through its “Safe on Internet, safe in the world” project. The company handed over useful advice and information to six-grade students of the Ljudski vrt elementary school in Ptuj, who were the first to intend these interactive workshops.

The six-graders thus learned about various approaches of online fraudsters, how to solve problems, use appropriate passwords, prevent access to personal information, protect privacy on social networks, and learned more about the hazards and dangers of using the World Wide Web.

The “Safe on Internet, safe in the world” project focuses on youth education and promotes the safe use of Internet. It is one of the projects being launched by Telemach, while the company will continue to strive for the development and success of Slovenian sport through sponsorships of many top athletes and sports associations – basketball, Nordic, tennis and Ski Instructors/Trainers Association of Slovenia.

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