DOBA Fakulteta se lahko pohvali z novim mednarodnim certifikatom
DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies Maribor achieved a new great success in online education on 7 June 2018. Besides the international UNIQUe accreditation, it is the first higher education institution in Slovenia and the wider region to obtain another international certificate – the EOCCS (Online Course Certification System) certificate by EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) for the quality of online business education. Due to this achievement, DOBA Faculty has joined 17 distinguished higher education institutions in Europe.
The dean of DOBA Faculty, Prof. Dr. Rasto Ovin received an EOCCS (Online Course Certification System) certificate at a special ceremony of the EFMD (European Foundationfor Management Development) at their annual conference in Copenhagen on 7 June 2018. EOCCS is an international certification system that focuses on the quality of online business education. The EOCCS accreditation system and criteria follow the strict philosophy of EFMD international accreditations such as EQUIS or EPAS.
This certificate places DOBA Faculty amongst the most prestigious institutions such as ESADE, BI Norwegian Business School, Grenoble Ecole de Management, Politecnico di Milano Schoolof Management, The Open University Business School, Henley Business School, ESSCA and others that confirm the quality of their online education by this certificate.
In the process of verifying EOCCS standards, the commission of international experts was evaluating 4 key areas and 50 detailed criteria. This complex approach required the faculty to meet high quality standards in the field of the entire institutional context of online education, program and subject structure, educational content, pedagogical approaches for online studies, achievement of learning outcomes, support and care for students’ development, connection with the environment, internationalization, monitoring and quality assurance. Quality assessment and achievement of ECCS standards of DOBA’s model of online studies was conducted on the basis of the master’s degree subject of Communication with influential public and lobbying.
Why is the EOCCS certificate an important achievement for DOBA Faculty and its students and graduates?
1. It is of great importance for students and graduates of DOBA Faculty, as it confirms that they are studying online according to high international standards, that the international environment recognizes them and adds credence to their knowledge and a degree.
2. The certificate assures to all business and academic partners that the Faculty is their partner, which is committed to the highest quality of online business education.
3. This certificate is a confirmation for the faculty and its pedagogical and professional staff, confirming the excellence of the DOBA’s model of online studies and the presence of top know-how in online education. The certificate places the faculty amongst the best providers of online business education in Europe and gives it a competitive edge over similar schools in the region.
We are pleased that the efforts of DOBA Faculty for the quality and enforcement of international standards in online education have proven to be the right path, despite the unenviable situation of private higher education and online education in Slovenia. The success achieved is not only a recognition of the Faculty but also a commitment to further bold development work in online business education. The renewal of the EOCCS certificate is needed every three years, which dictates further setting of ambitious goals of the Faculty.
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