For the first time in Slovenia mobile service with unlimited data
The use of mobile internet has become a part of everyday life, and PCs, laptops and tablets have gradually made way for mobile devices as the first and main point of contact with the web and digital channels. This also became the reality in Slovenia last year as the number of web accesses with such devices exceeding the number of PC and laptop accesses for the first time. Today, 85% of regular Internet users visit digital channels via mobile devices.
The habits of watching video content have changed the most as the younger population no longer watches TV in their living room. Video content has become available anywhere and anytime, only a mobile device and Internet access are required. The increase in subscriptions to online platforms such as Youtube, Netflix, HBO Go and mobile TV like Telemach’s EON is evident.
Obviously increased use of data transfer
Telemach has recorded a 300% increase in the amount of data transfer over the past three years. As already known, their packages have been focusing on the amount of data transfer since the beginning of the VEČ (MORE) subscription packages, but now Telemach have taken another step forward and presented an unlimited amount of data transfer in the NAJVEČ (THE MOST) package.
“The users want to surf carelessly, use various apps, be on the go and watch TV, in short – use whatever technology has to offer. Our duty is to enable this to them,” says Telemach’s management member Ditka Maučec, responsible for the development of products and marketing. Also, the price of the package is big news for both existing and new users. It is available to existing Telemach’s fixed service users for 20 euro; the rest can get it for 22 euro per month, which is two euro less than before. The NAJVEČ package is available to both private and business users.
Comparing the packages in the market
Unlike Telemach, Telekom Slovenije and A1 charge for exceeded amount of data transfer in their largest mobile packages. The A1 GO L package is available for 23.99 euro per month, while additional data transfer is charged to the user in case of exceeding the amount. The same applies to Telekom Slovenije, where the users pay as much as 24.99 euro a month for the Vse Dobro (All Good) package. Telemach does not charge for exceeding the amount of data transfer also in the remaining two packages – ŠE VEČ (EVEN MORE) and VEČ (MORE).
Investing in mobile and fixed network
In recent years, Telemach has built and upgraded its own network that will continue to be developed, says CEO Adrian Ježina: “We’ve been investing heavily in the network development, keeping it modern, durable and having enough capacity to offer fast data transfer as well as smooth functioning of mobile services. In the coming years, we will invest approximately 100 million euro into our fixed and mobile network in Slovenia in order to continue to raise the level of quality of our services.”
According to the Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia, Telemach had a 20.7% market share held by mobile operators in the third quarter of 2018 and was again the fastest growing mobile operator in the country.
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