In the company of the best
We often hear that top athletes, the biggest champions, are special people. It's hard to understand why; they seem humanly on the outside just like everyone else. Well, some of them more than the others, but in the end, they are all only human. Attending the World Alpine Skiing Championship...Read this article...
And how is your organization facing a crisis?
A crisis is any unwanted, extraordinary, often unexpected and time-limited event that requires an immediate response. The goal of the decisions and measures taken is to overcome it as soon as possible and to minimize its negative consequences for the organization and its stakeholders. Anyone and anywhere can find themselves...Read this article...
Highest Creditworthiness
We were again awarded the Highest Creditworthiness rating. This is all we wanted to say in this blog post. :)Read this article...
Fighting fake news
The phrase “fake news” is following us at every step, and was undoubtedly spread due to the use of it in the political vocabulary in recent years. We most often hear it from the US President Donald Trump when he addresses negative press reports on him and his cabinet, although...Read this article...