Archives - CSR

The children will be running for children again


Heartiness, charity and cooperation are the values ​​leading to a better tomorrow and we should help younger generations to develop these values.  This is something the company Skaza also believes in and will host the fourth charity Child to a Child run at the Velenje stadium on 7 September. At...Read this article...

Safe on Internet, safe in the world


The burning issues on Internet and social networks use that bring certain traps have encouraged the fastest growing mobile operator in Slovenia to launch a socially responsible “Safe on Internet, safe in the world” project. It will conduct interactive Internet safety workshops for elementary school students throughout Slovenia. At the...Read this article...

First female leader of the Slovenian Rotary Union


A traditional district conference of the Association of the Rotary Clubs Slovenia was held last weekend in Zagorje ob Savi, where the Rotarians awarded their members with acknowledgments for engagement activities in the Association, and carried out the inauguration and handover of the governor chain. Irena Kos took over this...Read this article...

Skilful on parquet and safe on Internet


Today's generation of children and adolescents face many digital world challenges. A lack of physical activity plus traps of the web and social networks are certainly among the most burning issues. Telemach addresses both problems with its “Safe on Internet, safe in the world” project and a sponsorship of Goran...Read this article...